Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Interesting Facts about IPE Decking

One of the best ways to transform the appearance of your home is to add a deck. Not only will this addition make your home look more elegant, but it will also extend your living space. You can use it as a space for relaxation or for holding small gatherings.
Choosing the right material for your deck may prove challenging though, as there are a bunch of materials out there that can be deceptive. If you’re in doubt, choose what’s recommended by most experience builders—IPE Decking.
IPE is currently the finest quality wood decking available on the market. If you are planning on putting a huge investment on your decking, you will not regret choosing this material. Here are some of the apparent reasons why.
Hardness and Bending Strength Are Off the Chart
Timber’s hardness is measured by the weight it can carry before sustaining damage or breaking. Most of the types of wood used for making decks have hardness ranging from 400 lbs. to 700 lbs. IPE wood has 3,600 lbs. When it comes to bending strength, not even the infamous Douglas Fir, which has almost 13,000 psi bending strength, can come close. IPE’s bending strength is 22,560 psi., i.e. seven time harder than cedar. In fact, it’s so hard you will need a carbide tipped saw blade to cut it.
Grows Everywhere
If you are worried that such high-quality wood may not always be available, don’t be. The IPE tree can be found all throughout the Central America and can grow in a wide range of places, including ridge tops, riverbanks, and marsh forests. This means that deck material manufacturers will have plenty of supply of IPE for many years.
To make sure that your IPE deck will be installed properly, hire a reputable deck contractor, particularly one that offers IPE. A trusted supplied not only know where to get the best supplies but they also are expert at installation so you can rest assured that all your investment will pay off in the end.

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